Monday, May 13, 2013

The Neverendering Story

Title: The Neverending Story
Author: Michael Ende
ISBN: 97805254577589
Published: Oct 1983
Genre: fiction, fantasy
Characters: Bastian, Atreyu, Moonchild, Falkor
Reading Level: 6th grade
Interest Level: 4th-8th grade
Plot Summary: Bastian is a young boy who struggles with fitting in at school and ever since his mother died he cant seem to get attention from his father. To deal with all this Bastian fills his life with books. One day while hiding from some school bullies, Bastian finds a book in an antique book store. Bastian steals the book called The Neverending Story and breaks into his school's attic to read his book. The book tells the story of a land called Fantastica that is trying to save it's world from a dark power called The Nothing. As the world disappears into the dark nothing the child empress is growing very sick and will die if something isn't done to stop The Nothing. A young warrior called Atreyu is called on to save Fantastica. He must travel across the world to find a cure for the empress and he meets amazing creatures along the way. What Bastian doesn't realize is that this isn't just a story, it's a really place and Fantastica needs his help. But will Bastian have the courage to step up and save this fantasy world?
Review: This is wonderful classic fantasy that will appeal to young fantasy fans. The story has amazing characters like the warrior Atreyu and Falkor the luck dragon. I think what makes this story unique is that Bastian the reader starts as just an observer and then is brought into the story. He becomes the hero by naming the princess. This idea that the reader can become part of the story is something that readers will enjoy. They have probably wanted to be apart of many of the stories they read. There is also the theme of good vs evil with the fight against The Nothing. It shows the importance of imagination, even as you grow up.
Reader's Annotation: Bastian starts reading The Neverending Story, about a magical world that is threatened by The Nothing. What he doesn't know is that he is apart of the story.
Main Themes: quests, magic, adventure, good vs evil
Read Alikes: Peter Pan by J.M Barrie, The Red Pyramid Rick Riordan
Why for Tweens? Tweens love to lose themselves in a good fantasy and this book has it all. From dragons to warriors it's a fantasy with high appeal to tween readers. It also features a shy tween, Bastian who must become part of the story to save his fantasy world. Tweens will see that they too can be important and make a difference.

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