Monday, May 13, 2013

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

Title:  The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
Author: C.S Lewis
Published: Jan 1950
ISBN: 9780006716778
Other books in the series: The Magician's Nephew, Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair, The Horse and His Boy, The Last Battle
Characters: Aslan, Lucy, Peter, Edmund, Susan, Mr Tummus, The White Witch
Awards: Hugo Award Nominee
Genre: fiction, fantasy
Reading Level: 7th grade
Interest Level: 4th-9th grade
Summary: 4 children living in London are sent to the English countryside to escape the dangers of World War II. While playing a game of hide and seek in the large house the Lucy stumbles across a magical wardrobe that takes her to a world called Narnia. While she is there she meets the very friendly and inviting Mr Tummus, who is half goat. It turns out that that Mr Tummus was so friendly because he planned on giving Lucy over to the White Witch. She rules Narnia and has made it winter, never spring. Mr Tummus decides he can't turn Lucy over to the witch and Lucy heads back home. When Lucy tries to tell her siblings about Narnia they don't believe her. Edmund, who has been the most harsh finds his way into Narnia and meets the White Witch, the Queen of Narnia. She gives him Turkish Delights and convinces him to bring the rest of his siblings to Narnia and take them to her. Edmund runs into into Lucy on his way out of Narnia and she is thrilled that he knows about Narnia. But when asked about Narnia by Peter and Susan, Edmund denies knowing anything. It is long after that all four children are hiding in the wardrobe and find themselves in Narnia.  Soon the children find themselves trying to rid Narnia of the evil witch and return Aslan the lion to his rightful spot as ruler. But will Edmund's promise to the witch ruin their plan?
Review: The Chronicles of Narnia is a classic series that has been loved by children for years. Lewis creates a magic world filled with wonders and amazing creatures and characters. He has children wishing that they too will find a wardrobe that leads to a magical world. The story focuses on good vs evil, friendship and loyalty. There is of course talking animals and lots of magic that help draw the reader into this magical world.  The book while written in 1950 still stands the test of time and will continue to hook new readers.
Reader Annotation: During a game of hide and seek Lucy stumbles across a magical wardrobe that leads to the world of Narnia. But this world is in danger from a powerful witch.
Main themes: good vs evil, siblings, magical worlds
Read alikes: The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien, The Emerald Atlas by John Stephens
Why for tweens? Tween fantasy readers will love this series. They will connect to with the 4 children as they become heroes in Narnia and battle evil.

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