Sunday, May 12, 2013

Breaking Stalin's Nose

Title: Breaking Stalin's Nose
Author: Eugene Yelchin
ISBN: 9780805092165
Published: Sept. 2011
Genre: fiction, historical fiction
Characters: Sasha
Reading Level: 3rd grade
Interest Level: 3rd-6th grade
Awards: Newbery Honor book
Plot Summary: Sasha is a young boy growing up under Stalin's reign in the Soviet Union. Sasha lives with his father in a small apartment with many other families, like most good communists. Sasha is a dedicated communist and can't wait to become part of the Young Pioneers. But late one night Sasha's father is taken by the Soviet police and Sasha is now without a family and a home. Sasha is convinced that it must be some mistake and that his father will be released, after all Stalin wouldn't arrest an innocent man? Sasha shows up to school the next day thinking his dad will be released. His class is practicing for the Young Pioneer assembly and Sasha has been assigned the important job of carrying the banner. As Sasha is taking the banner back he accidentally breaks the nose of a statue of beloved Stalin. Sasha can't believe what he has done and tries to hide from his mistake. It turns out that his mistake is enough to get him kicked out of the Young Pioneers despite his dedication. Sasha soon realizes that maybe something isn't right with Stalin's regime.
Review: The story addresses some very serious subject matter without getting too dark. It shows just how easily citizens where convinced into believing the Stalinist regime despite what was really going on. Sasha is an example of a child struggling to go against what he has always believed. It's especially tragic when he finally realizes that his mother was killed, which is not the story his father told him. Because the story is told from the viewpoint of Sasha it comes across as innocent and nieve instead of overly dark and tragic.
Reader's Annotation: Sasha is on his way to being one of Stalin's Young Pioneers when his father is taken by the Soviet Police. Then just when things couldn't get worse Sasha knocks the nose of a Stalin statue.
Main Themes: government, family, Soviet Union
Read Alikes: The Wall by Peter Sis
Why for Tweens? Tweens are too young to know about Stalin and the Soviet Union. This book is a great introduction to this historical time period and how these people where controlled and manipulated by Stalin and his communist regime. Because the story is told from young Sasha' viewpoint tween readers can connect to his story and understand the struggles he goes through.

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