Monday, April 1, 2013

The Higher Power of Lucky

Title: The Higher Power of Lucky
Author: Susan Patron
Published: Nov., 2006
ISBN: 9781416901945
Other books in the series: Lucky Breaks, Lucky for Good
Genre: realistic fiction
Reading Level: 6th grade
Interest Level: 4th-6th grade
Awards: Newbery Award (2007)
Plot Summary: Hard Pan California is a small desert town where most of the people live in poverty, including ten year old Lucky. Lucky lost her mother a year ago when her mother was struck by lightning and her father wants no part in raising Lucky. With no other family Lucky's father asks his first wife to move from France to California to become Lucky's guardian. Lucky struggles with her mother's loss and the possibility that her guardian, Brigitte, may leave her to return home to France. Lucky is in pursuit of her higher power after overhearing stories from the townspeople at AA meetings. But where does a young girl living in poverty in the middle of no where find her higher power?
Review: Susan Patron has written a very touching story of loss, poverty and moving on. Lucky is an eccentric character who collects bugs and despite her young age is dealing with emotions and troubles beyond her years. The story shows how Lucky is always in fear of being left behind which is evident from her need to carry an emergency kit with her wherever she goes. Lucky is afraid to get too comfortable with Brigitte as her guardian because in Lucky's eyes Brigitte will leave her for France any day now and Lucky will have no one. The story is sad and honest but Lucky's determination and quirks give the story an uplifting message. The reader feels for Lucky as she struggles to grieve her mother's loss. By the end of the story Lucky is still living in relative poverty but her adoption by Brigitte and Lucky's acceptance of her mother's death allows the story to end on a happy and hopeful note.
Reader's Annotation: Lucky lives in poverty in a small desert town with her French guardian Brigitte ever since her mother died and her father isn't one for raising kids. Lucky is searching for her higher power but has no idea where to find it or how to find it.
Main themes: death, poverty, family, grief, closure
Read Alikes: Piper Reed Get a Job by Kimberly Holt
Why for tweens? This story talks an honest and heartfelt look at loss, grieving and poverty. Tweens will connect with Lucky as she struggles to deal with her mother's death and tries to grow up. Like tweens Lucky wants independence but still needs the adults in her life for support and help.

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